🌿RBS Token

  • The emission rate will be adjusted reduce gradually. 9.09% Dev fee for project growth and cooperation.

Robinia Growth (Deposit Fee)

‌When users Deposit on RobiniaSwap, 4% deposit fee will be chargedHowever, RBS-related farms and pool do not charge deposit fee.‌

  • Deposit Fee will be used for Buyback by using STEEM Blockchain token economyAs long as the STEEM blockchain works, we can continue to burn RBS Tokens.This deflationary system is the core model of the RBS token economy.Robinia builds a long-term RBS token burning system using a 4% deposit fee fund

Transfer Tax

‌Burn rate: 0.2% of transfer Tax will be burned immediately. This deflationary mechanism will help us to reduce the circulating supply of Robinia which will release sell peruse a lot.‌

  • Transfer Tax is subject to change through community votes.

The initial RBS Token Per Block starts at 5, but gradually decreases and is fixed at RBS Token Per Block 0.5 after 32 days. (*Afterwards, RBS Token Per Block is determined through governance voting.)

Last updated