✌️RV2 Token

1.Token Info

Token Name: Robinia V2 Token

Token Symbol : RV2

Contract Address :

Chain : Binance Smart Chain(BEP-20)

RV2 Token Max Supply 1,000,000

2.Emission Rate

Token Per Block : 0.3 (8640 RV2 Token Per Day)

3.Transfer Tax

There's a 1.1% of transfer tax on rv2. When users Buy, Sell, Deposit, Withdraw, provide or remove LP, 1.1% of the total amount will be deducted as tax and burned automatically.

There is a possibility that the transfer tax will be changed in the future

Please set slippage tolerance to at least 1.5% or more to prevent transaction revert. It is recommended to put it to 3% considering price fluctuation.

Last updated